Sunday, 23 October 2016

short Tips To Keep for hair Short Stay Healthy And Beautiful

short Tips To Keep for hair Short Stay Healthy And Beautiful

Although long hair is often a dream of most women, but for a woman who has a lot of activity, short hair be considered a practical option. Even so, it does not mean you can miss maintain the health and beauty of your short hair.

How to maintain or take care of short hair on women is certainly not the same as a man with short hair. Women need a lot of ways to keep short hair look beautiful and cared for properly.
tips to keep your hair healthy and beautiful short - alodokter
Keep your short hair look by doing some easy tips below:
  • Choosing the right hair care products In order to maintain the health of your short hair, choose the right hair care products (eg shampoo) still need to be considered. Adjust shampoo for your hair type. If you have dry hair, then select a shampoo containing natural oils such as coconut oil, argan oil, grape seed oil and avocado oil. For hair that is not problematic, use shampoos that can help make the hair look fluffy. Typically, in the packaging of shampoo will be written the word 'volumizing ' or add volume to hair. If you have had a short hair coloring process, choose a shampoo for hair that if you have oily hair types, avoid using hair softener, and use a special shampoo for oily hair.
  • Reforming the hair look without ruining Notice the way you organize your short hair look. In order to get the hairstyle you want, like a blow , you need to use a hair dryer. Point the hair dryer from top to bottom, do not use it too close to touch the hair, and use a medium heat level.
  • Do not be too frequent shampooing order to maintain the health and beauty of your short hair, avoid washing your hair too sering.Kebiasaan this can make hair become dry and eliminate your hair's natural moisturizer. The result will make the hair look unhealthy. Wear less and less you shampoo shampoo, the less hair care products you need to wear. You only need to wash one to two times a week for normal hair. For oily hair, you need to wash more often in a week.
  • Healthy food choices for hair If you want to keep your short hair healthy and beautiful, you also need to eat foods that are rich in nutrients needed hair. For example, by eating eggs, fish, legumes, poultry, fat-free meat, and low-fat milk is rich in protein. In addition, you also need to eat foods that contain zinc eg, almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecans, and green vegetables. For hair health, foods containing omega 3 such as mackerel, salmon, sardines, yogurt, and flaxseed are also recommended for consumption.
Although it seems more practical, short hair also kept his health still need to keep it looking healthy and beautiful. Take a good look you in the habit of caring for the hair.And remember to not only protect it from the outside, but also keep it from within.Make a habit of eating foods that are rich in nutrients for the health of your short hair.Do not hesitate to consult a doctor about the problem on your hair.

Style short hair is now being applied to modern women in order to perform a practical yet fashionable and feminine.How not, hot weather due to warming air temperatures of rays is the sun that is the reason they change into short haircut.Another reason, the women generally consider if the long hair that can only disrupt their activities while working.Therefore, the women also cut their hair to be short because it looks more Eye Catching, Fresh, Modern, and of course Trendy.However, the majority of women today still do not know the correct hair care tips and simple.
Keep in mind that the sensation of short hair on women is drawn directly with her sexuality.Yes, visually neck of a woman would be immediately apparent which typically is softer and more level.But what about women who have properties Tomboy?.Women dressed like a tomboy certainly seems that men are not you?Well, if they've definitely like the same hair style shorter than memanjangin hair.So, generally all women would continue to look for tips on caring for her short hair in order to maintain healthy hair though already short.
Ladies, in terms of taking care of short hair is the same as with the long hair care.When caring for short hair, do not just concentrate on her hair alone but in other areas.However, the health condition of the hair is still the number one to be fertile, powerful and luminous course.Here we point out the short hair care tips are simple:
  • Consumption of food fertilizer hair
    type recommended foods include fruits and vegetables.Both types of these foods are considered to maintain the health and fertility of hair.Not forgetting, radiant beauty straight short hair also looks bright and shining.
  • Diligent wash
    Yes, shampooing remains to be done in spite of your hair is now short.With a wash, short hair you will be protected from loss and dirty.If you have clean and fragrant it will be felt directly by the people around.
  • Hairdressing correctly
    Tips should be considered in the case of arranging the short hair is to comb Blow.This is done for your short hair look thicker.While the terms of the short hair style needs to do hairstyle with thin strokes and too long.The main requirement, comb that you choose must toothed meeting in order to form each strand of your short hair.
  • Remain diligent combed
    You certainly have to keep doing this even though her hair is now short.Many argue that through constant strokes, the blood circulation to the hair remains smooth, so you can get a short hair look beautiful and fresh.
  • Put the conditioner
    The latter is encouraged to continue using the conditioner in order to maintain its softness.If you've been awake every strand of hair, then style your short hair remains beautiful views and Eye Catching.Give conditioner after you complete wash.However, you should consider the type of conditioner that suits your hair type of course.
short Tips To Keep for hair Short Stay Healthy And Beautiful
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Tulis comments
26 October 2016 at 10:50

thankyou for the information, its amazing


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