Sunday, 23 October 2016

Father And Mother, It's Necessary When Teething Baby

Father And Mother, It's Necessary When Teething Baby

Since the fetus is still in the womb, her teeth proceed in order to develop, beginning with the tooth bud. But this new gear really grow normally when the baby was born and aged 4-7 months. There are baby teeth grow faster, perhaps starting at the age of three months. While baby teeth grow longer may have to wait until she was a year or more.

Generally, teeth grow sequentially beginning with two middle teeth on the lower jaw, and two middle teeth in the upper jaw, and then one by one the teeth grow at the sides and back of the mouth. Last teeth appear are the second molars at the back of the mouth at the upper and lower jaws. The molar teeth usually begin to grow when the child is three years old. After that, children have a complete dental series consisting of 20 baby teeth.
Father and Mother's Required when Teething Toys - Alodokter
When teething, most babies discomfort indicated by the following signs.
  • Like biting.
  • Irritable or cranky.
  • Baby difficulty eating and insomnia.
  • Swollen and sensitive gums.
  • Spend a lot of saliva which can then trigger a facial rash.
To reduce discomfort, parents can take several steps following treatment.

1. Massage your baby's gums

Massaging your baby's gums are sore is an ancient way that can help relieve toothache. Previously, the father or mother should wash hands thoroughly.Massage your baby's gums with a slow and a little stronger. The pressure of the finger father or mother can balance the pressure from under the gums where the teeth are.

2. Provide toys bite

Because the baby is in full swing bite anything, give him a bite toys are safe to put into his mouth. Advised to choose toys that are made from 100 percent natural rubber, latex, silicone, or wood. Make sure the paint from the toy is safe to enter the mouth, usually regarded as food, paint or food grade. Toys bites containing liquid can also be an option, but parents need to guard against fluid leaks. Whatever type of toy material is selected, make sure the baby does not choke or undermine the toy and swallowed splinters.

3. Provide cold food taste good!

Ice works to relieve pain and reduce swelling, such as when we compress a sprained ankle. Cold compress on the gums also works that way. Cool damp cloth in the freezer, and then give the baby to chew, it could be the cloth drops of breast milk (ASI).
Cold compresses are not limited to the use of cloth. To make it more fun for the child, give him something cool and good for chewing. Refrigerate foods such as yogurt, finger food such as carrots or bananas when the baby was able to eat solid foods or give cold water from the glass slowly if the baby is 6 months old . Besides food, toys bite the baby can also be cooled first in the fridge. But please be distinguished, Mother, that is cold does not mean frozen because frozen food can actually hurt your baby's gums.

4. Fixed breastfed babies

When teething, every baby can have different tastes in terms of feeding. Anyone want to breastfeed more often. And there is also a nursing strike because when sucking, teeth pain worsened. And many babies that makes Her mother's nipple toys bite. The most important thing is still to give them breast milk, mother, teething does not mean the end of breastfeeding. When the baby is the type who was biting the nipple, try to massage the gums before the first start and end a feeding session.

5. Give the pain medication

Make this step is a last resort and had consulted with a pediatrician before. Without a doctor's recommendation, avoid the use of pain medication in the teeth, such as gels and creams, especially for children aged less than 2 years. Doctors warn that the anti-pain medications for dental work, such as gels and creams that contain benzocaine, may cause lethal condition, namely the condition methemoglobinemia or decrease the amount of oxygen in the blood drastically.
Meanwhile, when necessary, the doctor will prescribe a pain reliever such as acetaminophen for infants younger than 3 months and ibuprofen for infants aged less than 6 months. Be sure to give your doctor the recommended dosage.However, remember that drugs can irritate the stomach. This could be additional problems if the previous baby fussy eaters as common in babies who are teething.
Parents need to remember that teething does not cause fever, diarrhea, or vomiting.Therefore, when your baby is experiencing these symptoms or other worrisome symptoms, consult a pediatrician.

Tips Overcoming the current Fussy Baby Teething

first begins with the roots of teeth, and the tip of the tooth pushing through the gum. Originally babies who are teething first time on the front top or bottom. While this is a normal growth, but can be uncomfortable effect on the baby. Some parents are often overwhelmed because the baby fussy when teething, this discomfort associated with itching, irritability to cause pain. How to cope with discomfort in babies when teething, so that the baby is not fussy when teething?
There is no standard for sure, when the baby will grow teeth even though the average baby will begin at the age of 6 months. At this age your baby's growth is already starting to look characterized by the appearance of the first milk teeth at the front of the top or bottom. As for some babies who have started teething at 3 months of age. You do not need to worry if your baby's milk teeth will start to grow first time at the vulnerable age of 6-10 months while if your baby after the age of 14 months does not grow teeth should consult with a physician.
The emergence of the milk teeth the first time will be preceded by a fussy and often cries at night, may influence the body temperature but not more than 39 degrees centigrade. The most common sign is the baby more salivate and have a high desire to bite objects that are nearby. One of them biting baby toys to reduce discomfort during teething, to relieve itching, you can give a teether. Then the next sign is a lack of appetite in children due to swollen gums. In addressing your child's discomfort during the teething of milk, you can take several steps.

Here are tips to deal with fussy babies during teething:

1. Wiping the gums
You can swiped gum overgrown roots of the teeth in your baby, the important thing to consider is do not force your baby when I would rub the gums. Do it by inserting your finger into the baby's mouth slowly and then rub on the gums. For most, these teeth brushed will make your baby comfortable.
2. Toys that entered into the refrigerator
Give toys that did not make it hurt, one of them is teether toy to bite, you should clean up in advance, thereby reducing germs on entry into his mouth. Additionally you can enter it in the fridge beforehand, cold objects when bitten by a baby will make it comfortable.
3. Provide finger food
In addition to toys such as teether, you can also provide finger food, besides due usually teething at 6 months so that complementary foods ation has been given. Give finger food in a size easy to grip, does not cause choking and also the texture is easily melted in your baby's mouth.
4. Consult a physician
If the pain in your baby does not go away you should consult with your doctor, especially if your baby's pain does not go away until a few days in order to quickly find the cause and given the appropriate medication to your baby's age.

Usually the baby teeth begin to grow when the baby was 5 to 7 months. These new teeth must be cared for so as not to be easily damaged. Because although these teeth milk teeth only existence is only temporary, but the health of baby teeth affect the dental health of children in the future.So it is not too early to take care of teeth and gums, even with the earlier the treatment, the health of your child's teeth and gums to become more secure.

Here are some tips for caring for a new baby's gums and teeth grow:

How to care for baby's mouth at the age of 0-6 months:
  • Although the baby teeth have not grown, always remember to clean the gums, inner cheeks, and tongue of the baby using sterile gauze moistened with boiled water, at least twice a day.
  • Do not let the baby sleep while drinking milk with a bottle of milk.
  • Do not add sweetness in milk such as honey or saccorit.
  • Clean / sterilize pacifiers regularly.
  • Always use a clean pacifier when giving breast milk or formula with a bottle of milk.

How to care for the baby's mouth and teeth at the age of 7-12 months:
  • Ask your pediatrician or dentist if your baby is getting enough fluoride.
  • Clean the baby's mouth with sterile gauze that has been moistened with lukewarm water, at least twice a day.
  • Do not let the baby sleep while drinking milk with a bottle of milk.
  • Get used to give water after your baby drink milk to remaining milk in the mouth rinse.
  • When teeth begin to grow, start clean with a damp cloth. Clean every surface of the tooth and the boundary between the teeth with gums carefully, because food is often left on the surface.
  • When baby teeth begin to grow, start using a small toothbrush with soft surface and nylon material.
  • Do not use toothpaste when brushing baby teeth, always wet the toothbrush with water.
  • After 6 months of the first tooth, consult your child's teeth to the dentist, or when the child has reached the age of 1 year.

Keep your baby's dental health in order to avoid early damage, such as cavities. Healthy teeth will show a brilliant smile of a child. Teeth and gums healthy while the baby is going to teeth and gums healthy adults. For tips on how to care for a toddler's mouth and teeth at the age of 13-24 months read here.
Father And Mother, It's Necessary When Teething Baby
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